
ROE #8

Build Your Own SEL Toolkit (Fall 2024)

October 7

8:00 am - 8:30 am

In this workshop, participants explore tools and strategies that support SEL needs relevant to them and their school/classroom needs. Participants may choose to create a personal SEL toolkit or a school/classroom SEL toolkit, or a combination of both. In building an toolkit, participants will identify SEL needs, explore tools and strategies, and create a plan for implementation. Potential ideas for a toolkit could include but are not limited to the following: -Personal Wellness Plan -Executive Functioning / Emotional Regulation -Mindfulness Tools & Resources This self-paced workshop will be facilitated online in Google Classroom from Oct. 7 - Dec. 12, 2024. Participants who complete the workshop will earn 30 PD hours.  This FREE workshop is made possible by the Area 2 SEL Hub.  There is optional 2hr grad credits through Lindenwood University, with an additional $150 cost. For more information: To register:
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