
Professional Learning

Click an image below to learn more and register. Check back often for new workshops, and subscribe to our Educator Newsletter to receive monthly updates. If you have questions, or would like to request a course to be offered in the future, email Sarah Meador, Director of ROE Services.

Registrations for all workshops will close one week before the start date. Payment is required to register. Cancellations can be requested until registration has closed. 

For information on submitting professional development in ELIS, click here. REMINDER: Only coursework from a regionally accredited Illinois College or University, National Board Certification, National Licenses (For School Support Personnel) and activities provided by an Approved Illinois Professional Development Provider can be used for renewal. Professional development credit is awarded on a 1:1 basis – 1 clock hour of attendance = 1 professional development hour (PDH). ​

Open for Registration

Closed for Registration

FY25 Teacher Leaders

The Teacher Leader program is ready for another successful year! Any districts within Area 2 are invited to send teachers to these engaging and beneficial meetings.

WHO: Two Teacher Leader cohorts: K-5th grade and 6th-12th grade. Registering means you will attend all three meetings. Districts are encouraged to send at least one staff member to each grade level cohort. Teacher and Principals should decide together who will be attending as a representative from your school/district.

WHEN: Three meetings for each cohort, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM in Freeport. K through 5th: Oct 16, Jan 23, April 28; 6th through 12th: Oct 17, Jan 24, April 29.

WHAT: Meeting agendas include strategies focused on leadership, engagement, behavior management, and technology, as well as updates from the state and other information related to student learning. The Teacher Leader responsibility is to share that information with colleagues back in their own school building via staff meeting presentations, after school meetings or email. We look for positive, influential educators who are willing to make this commitment.

COST: $125 per participant which covers the cost of lunches and materials.


Upcoming Events


SEL Elementary Book Club

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Integrating SEL into literacy, books can serve as anchors to important universal lesson...


Science Cohort Meeting #3

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


For more information: N/A To register:


2025 CTE Workshop

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Join us for a dynamic professional development day designed specifically for CTE teache...

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