
Family Enrichment Program

Prenatal to 3 Parent Support Program

The Family Enrichment Program (made up of the former Family TIES and the Parent Enrichement Program) servicing Jo Daviess and Stephenson Counties, partners with parents to give their children the best possible start.

The Family Enrichment Program is a FREE personal visiting program for families with children birth to age three. We also provide prenatal services.

Through the implementation of the Parents as Teachers (PAT) curriculum, our vision is that all children will develop, learn and grow to realize their full potential.

We Believe:

  • Children are active, curious learners.
  • Each child has unique strengths and needs.
  • All families have a diverse range of strengths, needs, and priorities.
  • All children need and deserve adults in their lives who are loving, kind and provide a safe environment.

The Family Enrichment Program will provide support and encouragement to families through:

  • Prenatal support: Provide information, support, activities and resources throughout your pregnancy. 
  • Personal visits: Parent educators encourage activities for parent-child interaction, provide information on child development, and focus on your family's needs, concerns, and hopes.  Families can participate by having in-home visits, virtual visits, or phone visits.
  • Group connections: Share parenting experiences, gain new insights, talk about topics that interest you, and provide opportunities for children to interact.
  • Screenings/Early Learning Checkups: Children are screened on a regular basis to ensure they are healthy, safe, and developing on track.
  • Monthly newsletters or Facebook: Share up-coming community events, group connections, recipes, and age-appropriate activities.
  • Services for Spanish-speaking families: Currently only in the Jo Daviess county, families whose primary language is Spanish can be connected with a Spanish-speaking parent educator.
  • Lending Libraries: Parents may borrow books and toys for use at home with child.
  • Resource Network: Parent educators will share community resources to help support you through your parenting journey.
  • Car Seat Safety Checks: We provide car seat safety checks by certified car seat technicians.
  • Infant massage: Our certified infant massage instructors are available to demonstrate massage techniques and discuss all the benefits of massage.

Our Mission:

Is to promote early development, learning and health of children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers.  

For More Information or to Enroll in the Program:

  • Email:
  • Instagram: 
  • Phone: 815-599-1408

We are funded by the Illinois State Board of Education with services available to families who are pregnant an or have a child ages newborn up to age three.

Upcoming Events


ROE Office Closed

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM



5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

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SEL Elementary Book Club

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Integrating SEL into literacy, books can serve as anchors to important universal lesson...

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