
Truants' Alternative Program (TAP)

Truants' Alternative Program (TAP) offers attendance and truancy prevention and intervention services to students in Carroll, Jo Daviess, and Stephenson Counties. TAP provides students in grades K-12 with services designed to improve attendance and build self-esteem, academics, and life skills. TAP also offers Credit Recovery to all districts in our three-county coverage area and it is provided via on-line instruction.

How are students referred to TAP?

  • School districts make referrals to TAP based on concerns about attendance patterns (excessive excused absences and/or unexcused absences)

Services provided by Truancy Specialists:

  • Truancy Specialists make contact via letter or phone call to discuss attendance concerns with the parent(s)/guardians
  • Home Visits
  • One-on-one informal attendance counseling between Truancy Specialist and student
  • Work as a liaison between student and family and school district
  • Link students and families to local area social service as needed

In accordance to the Compulsory Attendance Law, TAP staff may file a petition with the State's Attorney when the student and/or parent fails to remediate truancy.  

Credit Recovery is offered through Truants' Alternative Program and to students enrolled in one of the public schools within our three-county area of coverage. Students who have failed courses required for graduation, can be referred to TAP for Credit Recovery. Please contact your school's guidance counselor to discuss the option of Credit Recovery.

If you have any questions about the Truants' Alternative Program, please contact Brandy Howard at (815) 599-1408 ext. 134.

Upcoming Events


SEL Elementary Book Club

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Integrating SEL into literacy, books can serve as anchors to important universal lesson...


Science Cohort Meeting #3

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


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2025 CTE Workshop

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Join us for a dynamic professional development day designed specifically for CTE teache...

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