Jo Daviess and Stephenson County
Preschool Screening Information
Information regarding preschool enrollment and eligibility:
- Children eligible for preschool screening will turn 3 years old during the 2025-2026 school year.
- Children who are 3-4 years old before September 1, 2025 will be prioritized for enrollment once they are 3 years old.
- Children who turn 5 before September 1, 2025 are Kindergarten Eligible, and therefore no longer eligible for preschool enrollment.
For more information related to Preschool for All structure, curriculum, and/or funding please see the Early Learning Academy page or contact Sarah Kuhlemeier at (815) 599-1408.
Información sobre la inscripción y elegibilidad para preescolar:
- Los niños elegibles para la evaluación de preescolar cumplirán 3 años durante el año escolar 2025-2026.
- Los niños que tengan entre 3 y 4 años antes del 1 de septiembre de 2025 tendrán prioridad para la inscripción una vez que cumplan 3 años.
- Los niños que cumplan 5 años antes del 1 de septiembre de 2025 son elegibles para Kindergarten y por lo tanto ya no son elegibles para la inscripción de preescolar.
Para más información sobre la estructura, el currículo y/o la financiación del programa Preschool for All, visite la página de Early Learning Academy o comuníquese con Sarah Kuhlemeier al (815) 599-1408.
(844) 632-5682.
Screenings will be
March 12th-14th
as needed.
(815) 747-3117 Ext. 2303
Screenings will be
April 15th-16th by appointment.
(815) 801-0852.
Screenings will be
by appointment only.
(844) 632-2279.
Screenings will be
May 7th & August 13th
by appointment.
(815) 777-2413.
Screenings will be
March 19th-21st.
(815) 668-0809.
Screenings will be
February 26th-28th by appointment.
(815) 789-4450.
Screenings will be
March 6th.
(815) 443-2715.
Screenings will be
March 21st by appointment.
(815) 858-9005 .
Screenings will be
March 19th-20th by appointment.
(815) 845-2215.
Screenings will be
March 14th & April 17th by appointment.
(815) 947-3702.
Screenings will be
April 14th by appointment.
(815) 745-2653.
Screenings will be
March 6th-7th by appointment.
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